Malaysian company the Asiastream Group is a diversified entity that focuses on information & communications technology (ICT), WebTV, and events/communications.
Its team is experienced in handling each of the industries and also has the capability to cross integrate services for maximum value impact to clients, and provide end-to-end services together with business partners.
List the rules on your blog 1. Read, comment, if you dun like it.. go suck a cock
2. Click on the adverts, help me make a few bucks..
Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog 1. I am constantly trying to be a good husband to a wonderful supportive wife 2. I wish I could just stop time to spend more time(?)with my two number ones 3. I am a geek if that's not obvious already.. 4. I love cooking and I selfishly bought a huge oven that my wife mastered faster than me.. 5. I love to read but not paperbacks.. the net is wayyyyyy better read... 6. I am seriously considering of forming a RELA platoon in my area.. or lobby to make guns and shooting in self defence legal 7. I have very short attention span..
Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours 1. I've been told that I am an extremely patient person.. (what traffic jam?) 2. I am afraid of heights.. tho I towers at over 6 feet 3. I cannot control where my hands go when I sleep :P hehehehehe 4. I just can't tell direction.. need my GPS (the wife) anywhere I go.. 5. Coffee makes me crazy. I ended up on 3 daays medical leave after downing Starbucks Mocha one day.. 6. Rusty stuff and 1 cent coins drives me crazy.. ewwwww
Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs 1. Jawa 2. Johnny 3. Konot 4. Mary 5. The Serangkais 6. Pyan Gebu 7. YOU! yes you the one reading this....