like that song leving on a jet plane... my mum left for Haj in Mecca last night. It was an emotional moment for all of us. Mum hugged me the longest as I tried to console her. She's sad that abah could not join her to Haj like they planned to all their lives.
Munchkins and I promised ourselves that we're going for our Haj by age 35. InsyaAllah
* I'm mixed, sad and happy that ummi left for haj but unlike the song, I know when she'll be back again, safely insyaAllah. .. have faith, tawakal...
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
color me this...
I realized that my color preference somewhat changed these few years... Current preference are RED and ORANGE. gosh.. a year back all I would wear is black and gray. Munchkins pointed out that those color reflects the changes in my personality. More confident/ active? I like to think so... please baby, can I have orange red boiler suit like slipknot's ?

ohhh yeahhhhhh...
ohhh yeahhhhhh...
Sunday, December 26, 2004
250 MB hotmail account
Check out my hotmail account with now 25mb storage. In a week time it's going to be 250mb as stated by hotmail. How? I found a way to trick hotmail to give me 250 mb email storage upgrade. Ok so I got Gmail and 1 GB of email storage, so why bother right? But sure is cool to rub this all over your face tho..
How eddie how? You know how to reach me :)
* 50+ malaysians died of tsunami in penang, kedah and other northern states. Waves of death dude!
* Jerangau is the nastiest herb la I tell you, but good thing the awful taste don't linger around for too long...
* Dina Zaman 's words are like jewels. Check her blog out. Some day I'll drop by Silverfish and get some books for those long boring weekends that somehow I never seems to have anymore. :P
* water bills came in at RM 850.00. What the
* remember, problems happens everyday to everyone. What makes you different is how you react to it.
Thursday, December 23, 2004
My biggest hero.. in memory
Stumbled upon this on IJN (Institute Jantung Negara) website. My dad could never stop working, kept himself busy with volunteer work even after retirement.
Read about RAKAN IJN
My dad - my hero, (handsome looking all dressed up with necktie), talking to a patient.
I miss him very much..
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
daddy got new shoes!
oh yeahhhhh!!!! daddy got new shoes, you'd better be worried. Was going for a DC shoe but wa pointed out it's abit too 16-years-old la.. But I wanna be 16 again :p hehehe
oh yeah and creadit card company freaked out that I made out of the ordinary purchase and blocked my card. Bummer...I guess I have not been a good customer and recklessly spends like I'm supposed to... :P
* new fetish.. pregos chunky green pepper & mushrooms spaghetti sauce spread over toasted wholemeal bread... oh and must have SOBA TODAY!!!! *zombie walk*
Sunday, December 19, 2004
sick today
:( bummer... flu came down on me hard yesterday & today...
Alas, here I am in the office still.. may take the afternoon off..
Inlaws came over for kenduri doa selamat on saturday. I was so happy that they came and sleep over at my humble house. As always we stock up or fridge with goodies for the kids. Ice creams, junk foods, etc.
We had a blast at the swimming pool downstairs.. played water polo, or marco polo or whatever you call it in th epool. Great fun!
But now I'm down with flu.... :(
Alas, here I am in the office still.. may take the afternoon off..
Inlaws came over for kenduri doa selamat on saturday. I was so happy that they came and sleep over at my humble house. As always we stock up or fridge with goodies for the kids. Ice creams, junk foods, etc.
We had a blast at the swimming pool downstairs.. played water polo, or marco polo or whatever you call it in th epool. Great fun!
But now I'm down with flu.... :(
Thursday, December 16, 2004
semua naik...
The guys were talking about politics ( dirty dirty word) and how they feel that the government is not doing enough for joe public like you and me..
>>so kesimpulannya, mcm wa cakap mmg la sora kita tak berharga apa2...
>>dan sora kita cuma berharga sekali setiap ampat tahun....
>so we better make it count
Selalu aku borak over tea dengan bebudak opis aku diorang semua komplen benda sama, harga itu ini naik, gaji tak naik, etc... respond aku senang jer..
"Well you guys yang elected these people in power, now you whine?"
-I'm not a registered voter, not the cause of your problem.
>>so kesimpulannya, mcm wa cakap mmg la sora kita tak berharga apa2...
>>dan sora kita cuma berharga sekali setiap ampat tahun....
>so we better make it count
Selalu aku borak over tea dengan bebudak opis aku diorang semua komplen benda sama, harga itu ini naik, gaji tak naik, etc... respond aku senang jer..
"Well you guys yang elected these people in power, now you whine?"
-I'm not a registered voter, not the cause of your problem.
Monday, December 13, 2004
ohh .. my naked phone
* had to strip it down to recharge battery.. the super sturdy casing blocks the charger pin
Thursday, December 9, 2004
pipot bid us adieu
sad day for all of us indeed..

*** added 4:32pm
hmm I'm worried about wa actually.. he's no quiter, never in his life.. it'll take alot to break him like that..
hope he don't mind sharing withme, I'm no superhero but I'll help anyway I can.. I will at the very least listen.
* anyone for soba? hmm ok maybe not now.. still worried about wa..
*** added 4:32pm
hmm I'm worried about wa actually.. he's no quiter, never in his life.. it'll take alot to break him like that..
hope he don't mind sharing withme, I'm no superhero but I'll help anyway I can.. I will at the very least listen.
* anyone for soba? hmm ok maybe not now.. still worried about wa..
Wednesday, December 8, 2004
of soba noodles & being lazy
I'm sooooo lazy these few weeks..
am very displeased with my self.
need a new motivation..
this morning I'm struggling to finish my 30 minutes cardio..
best part of this morning was eating soba noodles with seaweed and wasabi..
and my daily hug before going to work :)
wa's having a bad bad period of his life.
kesian dia, really.. I think I know what happened
but I'm goign to give him some room first..
lex bro... I'm all ears if u need somebody to talk to..
I hope I'll be better listener than last time in college...
* did I mentioned I'm crazy about soba now?
Kake soba - Hot soba noodles in dark broth, often topped solely with sliced green onions or sliced Japanese long onions.
Mori soba - Chilled soba noodles, eaten in summer. The noodles are boiled, chilled, and then served on a flat basket or plate. Accompanied by a chilled dipping sauce, usually a strong mixture of dashi, mirin, and shoyu. Eaten with wasabi.
Zaru soba - mori soba topped with shredded nori seaweed.
Kitsune soba - Hot soba in broth topped with abura age (deep-fried tofu).
Tempura soba - Hot soba in broth topped with various tempura items, especially shrimp.
Tanuki soba - Hot soba in broth topped with deep-fried tempura batter (ten-kasu).
Hiyashi tanuki - Cold tanuki soba. Eaten in the summer.
Tsukimi soba - Hot soba in broth with an egg. A raw egg is allowed to poach in the hot soup.
Tororo soba - Hot soba in broth topped with Japanese tororo potato.
Hiyashi tororo - Cold tororo soba. Eaten in the summer.
emmm... soba...

am very displeased with my self.
need a new motivation..
this morning I'm struggling to finish my 30 minutes cardio..
best part of this morning was eating soba noodles with seaweed and wasabi..
and my daily hug before going to work :)
wa's having a bad bad period of his life.
kesian dia, really.. I think I know what happened
but I'm goign to give him some room first..
lex bro... I'm all ears if u need somebody to talk to..
I hope I'll be better listener than last time in college...
* did I mentioned I'm crazy about soba now?
Kake soba - Hot soba noodles in dark broth, often topped solely with sliced green onions or sliced Japanese long onions.
Mori soba - Chilled soba noodles, eaten in summer. The noodles are boiled, chilled, and then served on a flat basket or plate. Accompanied by a chilled dipping sauce, usually a strong mixture of dashi, mirin, and shoyu. Eaten with wasabi.
Zaru soba - mori soba topped with shredded nori seaweed.
Kitsune soba - Hot soba in broth topped with abura age (deep-fried tofu).
Tempura soba - Hot soba in broth topped with various tempura items, especially shrimp.
Tanuki soba - Hot soba in broth topped with deep-fried tempura batter (ten-kasu).
Hiyashi tanuki - Cold tanuki soba. Eaten in the summer.
Tsukimi soba - Hot soba in broth with an egg. A raw egg is allowed to poach in the hot soup.
Tororo soba - Hot soba in broth topped with Japanese tororo potato.
Hiyashi tororo - Cold tororo soba. Eaten in the summer.
emmm... soba...
Sunday, December 5, 2004
in love... xox
Heaven must be missin’ an angel
Missin’ one angel, child, ‘cause you’re here with me right now
Your love is heavenly, baby heavenly to me, baby
Your kiss filled with tenderness
I want all I can get of your sexiness
Showers, your love comes in showers
And every hour of the hour
You let me feel your loving power
- Tavares
* yes, completely in love with my munchkins..
* got munchkins a present for her semester 1 good results. She's loving it and I'm so happy to see that.
Missin’ one angel, child, ‘cause you’re here with me right now
Your love is heavenly, baby heavenly to me, baby
Your kiss filled with tenderness
I want all I can get of your sexiness
Showers, your love comes in showers
And every hour of the hour
You let me feel your loving power
- Tavares
* yes, completely in love with my munchkins..
* got munchkins a present for her semester 1 good results. She's loving it and I'm so happy to see that.
Sunday, November 28, 2004
She means the world to me..
I love my munchkins very very much.. :) *dreamy..*
song of the day
So I said I'm a snowball running
Running down into the spring that's coming all this love
Melting under blue skies
Belting out sunlight
Shimmering love
song of the day
So I said I'm a snowball running
Running down into the spring that's coming all this love
Melting under blue skies
Belting out sunlight
Shimmering love
Monday, November 22, 2004
Welcome back to the office
.. and selamat hari raya.. Raya was great for me and munchkins. Munchkins and I went to melawati and buy some lemang from Pak Ali Lemang (where else?). Munchkins missing her family on raya eve but at the same time excited on our first raya together.
I had a nightmare that I'm loosing my job due to I've been away for raya holiday too long. Ishk, didn't realized how insecure I felt about taking log off from the office.
Munchkins did superb on her first semester. CGPA 3.75.. wow! congrats dear. I'm so proud of you. She excited about starting the second semester. I'm so happy for her :)
Me and rest of hardOnes planning to have a Raya Pot Luck but looks like it's not going to happen. Too many wedding invitation out there. I'm booked every weekends of Dec. Same goes to a lot of hardOnes people. I think we'll have to settle for a new Year gathering instead.
I had a nightmare that I'm loosing my job due to I've been away for raya holiday too long. Ishk, didn't realized how insecure I felt about taking log off from the office.
Munchkins did superb on her first semester. CGPA 3.75.. wow! congrats dear. I'm so proud of you. She excited about starting the second semester. I'm so happy for her :)
Me and rest of hardOnes planning to have a Raya Pot Luck but looks like it's not going to happen. Too many wedding invitation out there. I'm booked every weekends of Dec. Same goes to a lot of hardOnes people. I think we'll have to settle for a new Year gathering instead.
Sunday, November 7, 2004
Untuk abah..
Assalamualaikum abah,
Abah apa khabar di sana? Ngah sihat kat sini, alhamdulillah.Entah kenapa hari nie ngah terasa nak tulis surat kat abah. Rindu sangat kat abah. Agaknya sebab nak raya minggu depan. Kami rindu abah sangat sangat.
Pagi tadi zura hantar email cakap Pakteh takde di rumah Taman Lela raya nie.Pakteh balik rumah mertua dia di Kedah. Jadi zura & Nuar tak jadi bawak ummi balik beraya di Taiping. Zura cakap dia sedih sangat sebab kami macam takde kampung. Kalau abah ada, seronok beraya tak kira kat mana. Rumah kita la kampung kita.Asal ada abah, ummi, along, ngah dan zura, dah cukup seronok beraya.Zura cakap dia sedih, dia menangis kat opis. Ngah pun tak dapat nak tahan.
Minggu lepas ngah mimpikan abah. Abah kononnya tengah sakit, nazak. Ngah pangku abah, dalam sakit abah sempat cakap abah sayangkan ngah.Ngah sedih sangat masa tuh, tapi ngah tenang, ngah ajarkan abah mengucap.Agaknya ngah terkilan abah meniggal dulu kami tak ada di sisi. Kesian sangat abah meniggal sorang sorang, tapi abah tengah bekerja. Kami faham, ajal maut Allah tentukan. Mungkin takde rezeki ngah nak pangku abah. Cuma ngah rasa lega sikit dapat sambut abah dalam liang lahat masa kebumikan abah. Ngah dapat sambut, peluk abah kali terakhir banding orang lain. Ngah sedih tapi rasa puas dapat peluang tu. Tapi ngah lagi suka bila abah cakap abah sayangkan ngah dalam mimpi tu. Bangun tido happy sangat, terharu, sedih pun ada. Sebab lama sungguh abah tak datang jenguk ngah dalam mimpi.
Raya tahun nie along balik johor/ singapore awal. Ahad pagi semalam dah balik dah. Kami sempat makan
bukaka puasa hari sabtu ramai ramai kat kelana seafood. Malam tu ngah dah salam, mintak maaf beraya dengan along. Bagi ngah along la ganti abah sekarang.
Raya nie kira ngah beraya di kampugn giee kat parit buntar. Tapi balik lepas tengahari raya pertama, kalau boleh selagi ummi ada ngah nak pagi raya dengan ummi. Harap giee tak kisah sebab nak jaga hati ummi. Kesian ummi sebab tahun nie ngah dengan along beraya rumah mertua. Nasibbaik zura ada beraya dengan ummi. Ikut giliran la nampaknya.
Banyak sungguh ngah nak minta maaf dari abah. Tau la ngah anak abah yang paling degil, kuat melawan la, macam macam lagi. Tapi ngah sayang abah & ummi sangat sangat. Ngah kesian ummi nak beraya tahun nie. Tahun lepas memang abah takde jugak tapi kami tak beraya di rumah. Sebenarnya ngah pun dah lupa macam mana raya tahun lepas. Sedih sengat agaknya, sampai ngah dah lupakan pasal raya tahun lepas.
Ngah nak beraya dengan abah nie, nak salam abah, mintak ampun, maaf zahir dan batin. Mintak maaf sebab ngah mungkin banyak singgng hati abah masa abah ada. Mintak maaf juga ngah kurang ingatkan abah kadang kadang. Sebab agaknya ngah taknak sedih, taknak ummi/ zura nampak ngah sedih. Kena nampak tenang, tegas, kuat.
Ngah harap abah baik di sana, ngah sedekahkan alfatihah untuk abah. Lepas sembahyang raya nanti ngah bawak ummi, zura ziarah kubur abah. Lama ngah tak ziarah kubur abah. Ngah rindukan abah sangat sangat.
Tak sabar rasanya nak jumpa abah semula nanti.
Assalamualikum abah,
Abah apa khabar di sana? Ngah sihat kat sini, alhamdulillah.Entah kenapa hari nie ngah terasa nak tulis surat kat abah. Rindu sangat kat abah. Agaknya sebab nak raya minggu depan. Kami rindu abah sangat sangat.
Pagi tadi zura hantar email cakap Pakteh takde di rumah Taman Lela raya nie.Pakteh balik rumah mertua dia di Kedah. Jadi zura & Nuar tak jadi bawak ummi balik beraya di Taiping. Zura cakap dia sedih sangat sebab kami macam takde kampung. Kalau abah ada, seronok beraya tak kira kat mana. Rumah kita la kampung kita.Asal ada abah, ummi, along, ngah dan zura, dah cukup seronok beraya.Zura cakap dia sedih, dia menangis kat opis. Ngah pun tak dapat nak tahan.
Minggu lepas ngah mimpikan abah. Abah kononnya tengah sakit, nazak. Ngah pangku abah, dalam sakit abah sempat cakap abah sayangkan ngah.Ngah sedih sangat masa tuh, tapi ngah tenang, ngah ajarkan abah mengucap.Agaknya ngah terkilan abah meniggal dulu kami tak ada di sisi. Kesian sangat abah meniggal sorang sorang, tapi abah tengah bekerja. Kami faham, ajal maut Allah tentukan. Mungkin takde rezeki ngah nak pangku abah. Cuma ngah rasa lega sikit dapat sambut abah dalam liang lahat masa kebumikan abah. Ngah dapat sambut, peluk abah kali terakhir banding orang lain. Ngah sedih tapi rasa puas dapat peluang tu. Tapi ngah lagi suka bila abah cakap abah sayangkan ngah dalam mimpi tu. Bangun tido happy sangat, terharu, sedih pun ada. Sebab lama sungguh abah tak datang jenguk ngah dalam mimpi.
Raya tahun nie along balik johor/ singapore awal. Ahad pagi semalam dah balik dah. Kami sempat makan
bukaka puasa hari sabtu ramai ramai kat kelana seafood. Malam tu ngah dah salam, mintak maaf beraya dengan along. Bagi ngah along la ganti abah sekarang.
Raya nie kira ngah beraya di kampugn giee kat parit buntar. Tapi balik lepas tengahari raya pertama, kalau boleh selagi ummi ada ngah nak pagi raya dengan ummi. Harap giee tak kisah sebab nak jaga hati ummi. Kesian ummi sebab tahun nie ngah dengan along beraya rumah mertua. Nasibbaik zura ada beraya dengan ummi. Ikut giliran la nampaknya.
Banyak sungguh ngah nak minta maaf dari abah. Tau la ngah anak abah yang paling degil, kuat melawan la, macam macam lagi. Tapi ngah sayang abah & ummi sangat sangat. Ngah kesian ummi nak beraya tahun nie. Tahun lepas memang abah takde jugak tapi kami tak beraya di rumah. Sebenarnya ngah pun dah lupa macam mana raya tahun lepas. Sedih sengat agaknya, sampai ngah dah lupakan pasal raya tahun lepas.
Ngah nak beraya dengan abah nie, nak salam abah, mintak ampun, maaf zahir dan batin. Mintak maaf sebab ngah mungkin banyak singgng hati abah masa abah ada. Mintak maaf juga ngah kurang ingatkan abah kadang kadang. Sebab agaknya ngah taknak sedih, taknak ummi/ zura nampak ngah sedih. Kena nampak tenang, tegas, kuat.
Ngah harap abah baik di sana, ngah sedekahkan alfatihah untuk abah. Lepas sembahyang raya nanti ngah bawak ummi, zura ziarah kubur abah. Lama ngah tak ziarah kubur abah. Ngah rindukan abah sangat sangat.
Tak sabar rasanya nak jumpa abah semula nanti.
Assalamualikum abah,
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
my first award
**************** Congratulations ! *****************
Thank you for yr team participation in the Q3'04 Technical Excellence Award recently and
the committee would like to congratulate for receiving Bronze award with the project title -
"Phase I of Advance Test Equipment Traceability "
Pls submit grp photo to me for the T.E.A. board.
Thank you again for your participation
* yay for me! and also for rizal
Thank you for yr team participation in the Q3'04 Technical Excellence Award recently and
the committee would like to congratulate for receiving Bronze award with the project title -
"Phase I of Advance Test Equipment Traceability "
Pls submit grp photo to me for the T.E.A. board.
Thank you again for your participation
* yay for me! and also for rizal
Sunday, October 24, 2004
in pain and agony
My back pain gone worst last weekend. Spent most of the time in bed. But it's getting better. I managed to gather enough strength to go to the office today. Doctor appointment at 3pm today at the in-facility clinic. My brother is arranging for an appointment with a traditional masseur this week. I'm getting better, don't worry.
Thursday, October 21, 2004
stiff back & streamyx
I done it again, got a stiff back .. bedroom accident :P actually it's more of a sofa-livingroom accident.. a joke gone wrong all the same.. my back is hurting like hell.. I'm limping .. but it's getting better after 3 days.. missed 2 days of exercise due to the back pain..
I have STREAMYX!!!!! yes after long wait, I finally called a friend who I knew could help.. segan from asking him to pull some strings in telekom but I cannot tahan already.. Well he worked his magic so now desa petaling has 40 ADSL ports free. First come first served. And according to the installer, I'm customer #1 for my area. Thanks arif, I owe you big time.
Funny thing is, I have sort of given up waiting that when teh installer came, I realized I no longer have my ADSL modem. Embarressing.. luckily he bought extra modem to test my line... all is well.. 512Kbps , yippie! now to buy a new modem..
* adoi... sakit belakang la...
I have STREAMYX!!!!! yes after long wait, I finally called a friend who I knew could help.. segan from asking him to pull some strings in telekom but I cannot tahan already.. Well he worked his magic so now desa petaling has 40 ADSL ports free. First come first served. And according to the installer, I'm customer #1 for my area. Thanks arif, I owe you big time.
Funny thing is, I have sort of given up waiting that when teh installer came, I realized I no longer have my ADSL modem. Embarressing.. luckily he bought extra modem to test my line... all is well.. 512Kbps , yippie! now to buy a new modem..
* adoi... sakit belakang la...
song stuck in my head..
Song: Acidentally In Love
Artist : The Counting Crows
So she said what's the problem baby
What's the problem I don't know
Well maybe I'm in love (love)
Think about it every time
I think about it
Can't stop thinking 'bout it
How much longer will it take to cure this
Just to cure it cause I can't ignore it if it's love (love)
Makes me wanna turn around and face me but I don't know nothing 'bout love
Come on, come on
Turn a little faster
Come on, come on
The world will follow after
Come on, come on
Cause everybody's after love
So I said I'm a snowball running
Running down into the spring that's coming all this love
Melting under blue skies
Belting out sunlight
Shimmering love
Well baby I surrender
To the strawberry ice cream
Never ever end of all this love
Well I didn't mean to do it
But there's no escaping your love
These lines of lightning
Mean we're never alone,
Never alone, no, no
Come on, Come on
Move a little closer
Come on, Come on
I want to hear you whisper
Come on, Come on
Settle down inside my love
Come on, come on
Jump a little higher
Come on, come on
If you feel a little lighter
Come on, come on
We were once
Upon a time in love
We're accidentally in love
Accidentally in love (x7)
I'm In Love, I'm in Love,
I'm in Love, I'm in Love,
I'm in Love, I'm in Love,
Accidentally (X 2)
Come on, come on
Spin a little tighter
Come on, come on
And the world's a little brighter
Come on, come on
Just get yourself inside her
Love ...I'm in love
Artist : The Counting Crows
So she said what's the problem baby
What's the problem I don't know
Well maybe I'm in love (love)
Think about it every time
I think about it
Can't stop thinking 'bout it
How much longer will it take to cure this
Just to cure it cause I can't ignore it if it's love (love)
Makes me wanna turn around and face me but I don't know nothing 'bout love
Come on, come on
Turn a little faster
Come on, come on
The world will follow after
Come on, come on
Cause everybody's after love
So I said I'm a snowball running
Running down into the spring that's coming all this love
Melting under blue skies
Belting out sunlight
Shimmering love
Well baby I surrender
To the strawberry ice cream
Never ever end of all this love
Well I didn't mean to do it
But there's no escaping your love
These lines of lightning
Mean we're never alone,
Never alone, no, no
Come on, Come on
Move a little closer
Come on, Come on
I want to hear you whisper
Come on, Come on
Settle down inside my love
Come on, come on
Jump a little higher
Come on, come on
If you feel a little lighter
Come on, come on
We were once
Upon a time in love
We're accidentally in love
Accidentally in love (x7)
I'm In Love, I'm in Love,
I'm in Love, I'm in Love,
I'm in Love, I'm in Love,
Accidentally (X 2)
Come on, come on
Spin a little tighter
Come on, come on
And the world's a little brighter
Come on, come on
Just get yourself inside her
Love ...I'm in love
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Snakes.. yikes...
The boss sent this to the whole team.. hmm I don't think I did good this year... too many slacking off...
In our daily working on issue or project, the result is either the following 1,2,3 :
1. Keep bitting around the bushes
- lots of activities but issue remains unresolved, days after days, weeks after weeks, months after months. Just like the famous song " blame it on the star, blame it on the moon, blame it on the rain, but whatever it is, don't put the blame on me". Smart supervisor will not buy this song.
2. Caught the snake
- you got the containment action, but since you don't kill the snake, it will come back again.
3, Kill the snake
- you implement the permanent solution. It has never been easy. Smart supervisor know this and reward is yours.
You are equipped with the appropriate skill-set. It is yr own choice to behave as either 1, 2 or 3. Smart supervisor can judge accurately based on the evidence on seeing the dead snake. Today, pls take 15 mins to reflect/review yr past and present issue/project, tick them against 1,2,3. I am doing the same for mine. Thanks.
In our daily working on issue or project, the result is either the following 1,2,3 :
1. Keep bitting around the bushes
- lots of activities but issue remains unresolved, days after days, weeks after weeks, months after months. Just like the famous song " blame it on the star, blame it on the moon, blame it on the rain, but whatever it is, don't put the blame on me". Smart supervisor will not buy this song.
2. Caught the snake
- you got the containment action, but since you don't kill the snake, it will come back again.
3, Kill the snake
- you implement the permanent solution. It has never been easy. Smart supervisor know this and reward is yours.
You are equipped with the appropriate skill-set. It is yr own choice to behave as either 1, 2 or 3. Smart supervisor can judge accurately based on the evidence on seeing the dead snake. Today, pls take 15 mins to reflect/review yr past and present issue/project, tick them against 1,2,3. I am doing the same for mine. Thanks.
puasa is here, yay!
Ramadhan finally here, yay! been waiting all year long. and then hari raya, double yay! can't wait.. this year I'll be wearing brown... went to tailor to make my baju melayu from kain hantaran..
Water disruption again on sunday, dang, had to drive to mum's place for shower.. so tired.. so sleepy.. so the melekit
tvcard is just great, I now schedule and records tv shows instead of waiting all night for any shows I wanna watch. ie Queer eyes at 12am sunday.. :P
I've decided on the deuter backpack for my kuching holiday. 70 + 10 litre deuter with raincover and minipack for rm 460. Midvalley Tearproof asking for rm690 for it. Luckily I checked out Pertama Complex. When to buy? waiting for my second cheque :)
* back on track.. fuhh lega..
* magazine helps me spend more time on cardio machine. nasib baik, coz I get bored and restless on the machine fast..
Water disruption again on sunday, dang, had to drive to mum's place for shower.. so tired.. so sleepy.. so the melekit
tvcard is just great, I now schedule and records tv shows instead of waiting all night for any shows I wanna watch. ie Queer eyes at 12am sunday.. :P
I've decided on the deuter backpack for my kuching holiday. 70 + 10 litre deuter with raincover and minipack for rm 460. Midvalley Tearproof asking for rm690 for it. Luckily I checked out Pertama Complex. When to buy? waiting for my second cheque :)
* back on track.. fuhh lega..
* magazine helps me spend more time on cardio machine. nasib baik, coz I get bored and restless on the machine fast..
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Went for a shooting tournament invitation on sunday.. Had a BLAST! I fired countless rounds of 9mm on semi auto Glocks and 12 gauge on pumpguns... I'm quite handy with pumpgun, hit 25 meters target with ease. Too bad the event I won (team drop plate 25M) was exhibition only.. Sidearm and pistol drop plate I lost, mainly due to the Clocks eyesight fucking up
On training this whole week, IBM AIX at amcorp mall.. wonder what's goign on in the office....
* bored.. yawn... took 2 days free days last weekend.. back on track on tuesday..
* buying pinnacle tv card to turn my pc to tv/ pvr.. yes the olv Singer Telly is going, going and pretty soon gone
On training this whole week, IBM AIX at amcorp mall.. wonder what's goign on in the office....
* bored.. yawn... took 2 days free days last weekend.. back on track on tuesday..
* buying pinnacle tv card to turn my pc to tv/ pvr.. yes the olv Singer Telly is going, going and pretty soon gone
Thursday, October 7, 2004
october here, where's my jaring broadband?
3 months ago, Jaring told everyone that theya re rolling out wireless broadband with help of SOMA networks from US. With this technology, they need only 10 base stations to cover klang valley, they said. My heart jumped on hearing this as I have been waiting for broadband since I moved to desa petaling in June. Turned out dispite being in the kalng valley, Desa petaling is a broadband black hole. Well much of the country is broadband blackhole.
Next week is going to be the promised mid October that Dr Mohamed Awang Lah promised malaysian jaring broadband. Still no news of this product. I sure hope that this is not going to be another AtlasOne/ NasionCom. Please don't..
I don't understand why it takes tmnet so long to roll out their streamyx to all overthe nation. Ok I'll be satisfied if the whole of klang valley is covered. I knwo a lot of people are waiting for it, demand is high, and no supply would mean heads will roll in many businesses. But not in TMNET.. gosh.. it's so heart breaking to see such model by one of the biggest bumi companies around. Perhaps us bumis are better off as clerks.. simply due to we are hopelessly incompetent?
* roti canai breakfast today, my wholegrain bread gone bad
* cheque finally cleared, now to spend it.. :)
Next week is going to be the promised mid October that Dr Mohamed Awang Lah promised malaysian jaring broadband. Still no news of this product. I sure hope that this is not going to be another AtlasOne/ NasionCom. Please don't..
I don't understand why it takes tmnet so long to roll out their streamyx to all overthe nation. Ok I'll be satisfied if the whole of klang valley is covered. I knwo a lot of people are waiting for it, demand is high, and no supply would mean heads will roll in many businesses. But not in TMNET.. gosh.. it's so heart breaking to see such model by one of the biggest bumi companies around. Perhaps us bumis are better off as clerks.. simply due to we are hopelessly incompetent?
* roti canai breakfast today, my wholegrain bread gone bad
* cheque finally cleared, now to spend it.. :)
Wednesday, October 6, 2004
middle of the week..hmm..
I got my Targus Urban II backpack from Central Receiving Area on Monday. Very very pleased with how it looks like. :) Today I brought my new laptop with the new backpack, looking good!. I have yet to bake those Mandrake Linux ISO's to cd. Have yet to exorcist Windows Demons from this laptop. I figured since Evolution comes with Outlook plugin free now (Thanks to Novell), there's no reason why I would need to dual boot to Xp at all.
But then Munchkins need XP to play Sims, etc. And I do like a sesion of Worms 3D once a while. Well I guess I'll wait for my desktop to be up before I remove XP from my laptop.
I'm reading a lot about weight loss on the web. Looking for tips mostly. I'm abit worried about 6 meals a day recommendation. Also with the rumours of mercury poisoning from tuna overconsumption. Am I at risk? coz I love tuna ALOT!
* cardio as usual, but would love to be able to push beyond 30 mins
* set my target BMI numbers at 20. That's 75 Kg/ 160 pound for 193cm/ 6'3". Miles away, I know...
But then Munchkins need XP to play Sims, etc. And I do like a sesion of Worms 3D once a while. Well I guess I'll wait for my desktop to be up before I remove XP from my laptop.
I'm reading a lot about weight loss on the web. Looking for tips mostly. I'm abit worried about 6 meals a day recommendation. Also with the rumours of mercury poisoning from tuna overconsumption. Am I at risk? coz I love tuna ALOT!
* cardio as usual, but would love to be able to push beyond 30 mins
* set my target BMI numbers at 20. That's 75 Kg/ 160 pound for 193cm/ 6'3". Miles away, I know...
Sunday, October 3, 2004
new laptop, everything else blows
yay! got my brand new laptop today. It's an HP nc6000. P4 1.6, wifi & Bluetooth. A day before my beloved PC died on me. Went to lowyatt with munchkins and bought a fortune worth of CDs to "fix" the old hag. We ended up with Sims2 CDs instead. Munchkins loves Sims games.
Me on the other hand feeling a little bit down.
* a lot of cheating due to a lot of outings. Haven't been eating good.
* last weekends just blows..
Me on the other hand feeling a little bit down.
* a lot of cheating due to a lot of outings. Haven't been eating good.
* last weekends just blows..
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
old pictures
Munchkins were rearranging our family photo album yesterday and she found a picture of me and her at a kenduri from long ago. She showed the picture to me and said, "Look, you were even slimmer than that guy your friend". I looked and my jaws dropped to the floor. There in the picture I was wearing PPP rugby jersey, and beside me is another friend who looked in the picture twice my size then. Was I really that skinny back then?
We went to do our groceries at Carrefour last night and I picked up some almond and raisins for my snacking needs. We're supposed to go to pasar malam tonight for vegetables but Abg Matt called me this morning informing me that his father had passed away. I'm very sorry for him. I'll be going straight to KL after work to visit them. Munchkins couldn't come coz she have classes today morning and night.
* had roasted chicken between wholemeal bread for buka puasa last night.
* not fasting today but I'll skip meals anyway.. don't feel like eating anything today
* still looking for bench press bench. Bidded max of RM50 to the same guy from yesterday at lelong. Currently I'm the highest bidder @ RM11, but 7 days to go.
**** updated 11:45am ****
Artis : Sheila on 7
Lagu : Pria Terhebat
Hebat,pria terhebat
Itu yang kuharapkan ada padaku
Agar...agar diriku
Bisa melumpuhkan tingkah liarmu
Jangan...jangan siakan
Kehadiranku pada mimpimu
karna hanya lewat mimpi
Aku bisa menjamahmu
Juga memilikimu
Ajari aku tuk jadi pria terhebat
Mungkin terlalu lama
Aku tlah bersembunyi
Menatap matahari pun aku tak mampu
Udara malam pun terlalu menusuk langkahku
Di persembunyian aku menari...
Di persembunyian aku menyanyi...
pria terhebat...
Begitu banyak lagu tercipta untukmu
Hanya saja aku tak bisa
Mengungkapnya kepadamu
* yes I wanna be Pria Terhebat! :P
We went to do our groceries at Carrefour last night and I picked up some almond and raisins for my snacking needs. We're supposed to go to pasar malam tonight for vegetables but Abg Matt called me this morning informing me that his father had passed away. I'm very sorry for him. I'll be going straight to KL after work to visit them. Munchkins couldn't come coz she have classes today morning and night.
* had roasted chicken between wholemeal bread for buka puasa last night.
* not fasting today but I'll skip meals anyway.. don't feel like eating anything today
* still looking for bench press bench. Bidded max of RM50 to the same guy from yesterday at lelong. Currently I'm the highest bidder @ RM11, but 7 days to go.
**** updated 11:45am ****
Artis : Sheila on 7
Lagu : Pria Terhebat
Hebat,pria terhebat
Itu yang kuharapkan ada padaku
Agar...agar diriku
Bisa melumpuhkan tingkah liarmu
Jangan...jangan siakan
Kehadiranku pada mimpimu
karna hanya lewat mimpi
Aku bisa menjamahmu
Juga memilikimu
Ajari aku tuk jadi pria terhebat
Mungkin terlalu lama
Aku tlah bersembunyi
Menatap matahari pun aku tak mampu
Udara malam pun terlalu menusuk langkahku
Di persembunyian aku menari...
Di persembunyian aku menyanyi...
pria terhebat...
Begitu banyak lagu tercipta untukmu
Hanya saja aku tak bisa
Mengungkapnya kepadamu
* yes I wanna be Pria Terhebat! :P
Monday, September 27, 2004
some early arrangements
Yesterday I managed to booked massively bargain return tickets KLIA-Kuching-KLIA on AirAsia. A colleague here told me to book early to get the super bargain price for AirAsia tickets. 2 return tickets from KLIA Airport to Kuching airport for only RM39.90/person/way! so the total amount for air fares plus taxes is only RM235.96!
Yes we're going to Kuching, Sarawak! I'm doing some early arrangements for our first honeymoon next february!. It was either Kuching or Australia with the rest of the family. Kuching sounds better to me. Besides, I'm quite familiar with Kuching. The last time I was there was some 15 years ago, I as 12 years old. Things can't change that much rite?
Checked out the hotels and looks like I narrowed them down to either Crowne Plaza Riverside or Holiday Inn Kuching . Have not decided yet. But we're definately going to stay at the Bako National Park on the last night in Kuching!. I've emailed the park authorities to reserve a cabin there.
I'm really looking forward to this trip. Loooong time to February :)
* daily morning and night cardio sessions.
* fasting today and yesterday. Munchkins steamed a good half of a garoupa fish I bought 2 weeks ago.
* trying to buy this used bench press from a guy at lelong. He's not letting it go under RM350. That's RM300 more than I would like to spend :P
Yes we're going to Kuching, Sarawak! I'm doing some early arrangements for our first honeymoon next february!. It was either Kuching or Australia with the rest of the family. Kuching sounds better to me. Besides, I'm quite familiar with Kuching. The last time I was there was some 15 years ago, I as 12 years old. Things can't change that much rite?
Checked out the hotels and looks like I narrowed them down to either Crowne Plaza Riverside or Holiday Inn Kuching . Have not decided yet. But we're definately going to stay at the Bako National Park on the last night in Kuching!. I've emailed the park authorities to reserve a cabin there.
I'm really looking forward to this trip. Loooong time to February :)
* daily morning and night cardio sessions.
* fasting today and yesterday. Munchkins steamed a good half of a garoupa fish I bought 2 weeks ago.
* trying to buy this used bench press from a guy at lelong. He's not letting it go under RM350. That's RM300 more than I would like to spend :P
Sunday, September 26, 2004
helicopter ride!
Took off friday and went back to Kuantan. Munchkins needed the weekend to unwind. It took us only 2 hours on the new East Coast highway, one half hour short of the usual drive on the old trunk road. Not bad for RM19 toll.
Munchkins went for KMPH english night recital thingy. I stayed behind and workout. Yes I bought my dumbbell for the trip. :). On saturday we went to Terenganu for some shopping. I enjoyed the long drive via the coastal road to Kemaman. Bought the freshest keropok lekor. yummy.. I prefer the boiled one, not the fried ones.
Highlight of the weekend was definately the 10 minutes helicopter ride around Kuantan town. Me and munchkins could not resist the offer for a helicopter joyride. We took bunch of pictures. What an experience I say.. Now if only the pilot would let me have a go at the rudder stick :P
* tried my best to stick to my diet, but I'm so weak.
* love being energetic
* my pc acting up. Both at work and at home. Looks like time to reformat the old hag.
Munchkins went for KMPH english night recital thingy. I stayed behind and workout. Yes I bought my dumbbell for the trip. :). On saturday we went to Terenganu for some shopping. I enjoyed the long drive via the coastal road to Kemaman. Bought the freshest keropok lekor. yummy.. I prefer the boiled one, not the fried ones.
Highlight of the weekend was definately the 10 minutes helicopter ride around Kuantan town. Me and munchkins could not resist the offer for a helicopter joyride. We took bunch of pictures. What an experience I say.. Now if only the pilot would let me have a go at the rudder stick :P
* tried my best to stick to my diet, but I'm so weak.
* love being energetic
* my pc acting up. Both at work and at home. Looks like time to reformat the old hag.
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
old addiction
GASP! old addiction is back. Last night after coming back from our night out, I quickly changed and seconds later I was on my cardio machine. Then some weight training before I hit the shower. The shower kinda freshen me up again and I could not sleep. I spend 2 hours watching "The Amazing Race" on AXN until almost 2am (can't remember).
*Chip & Kim (the Married parents couple) won the million bucks. I'm just glad the super competative Collin & Kristie did not win. I guess I still wants good guys to win, pity it's not Brandon & whatshername..
Anyway right after the show and before bed I managed to pick up my dumbells and did a few sets. Then off to bed I went. Woke up this morning and did some cardio and few sets on the dumbells and off to work. In the office I realized that over less than 12 hours I have done 3 session of half hour cardio and more than 4 sessions of weight training with my dumbell.Why?
I realized that somehow the muscle pain I got from changing my flat tyre made me miss the sensation when my whole body aching. I miss the pain I guess. Now all I can think of is to go back and spend some love on my dumbells. Munchkins doesn't seem to mind at all. :P
* had sotong kangkung at uptown last night. Basicly boiled green vege, squid and hoisin sauce.
* fasting today, training my mind for the coming eid mubarak (fasting season).
* keyword of the day : carnie wilson
**** updated 4:03pm ****

* Apparently I am AppleDOS 3.1 according to bbspot. Still a work in progress.. hmm quite true I think..
*Chip & Kim (the Married parents couple) won the million bucks. I'm just glad the super competative Collin & Kristie did not win. I guess I still wants good guys to win, pity it's not Brandon & whatshername..
Anyway right after the show and before bed I managed to pick up my dumbells and did a few sets. Then off to bed I went. Woke up this morning and did some cardio and few sets on the dumbells and off to work. In the office I realized that over less than 12 hours I have done 3 session of half hour cardio and more than 4 sessions of weight training with my dumbell.Why?
I realized that somehow the muscle pain I got from changing my flat tyre made me miss the sensation when my whole body aching. I miss the pain I guess. Now all I can think of is to go back and spend some love on my dumbells. Munchkins doesn't seem to mind at all. :P
* had sotong kangkung at uptown last night. Basicly boiled green vege, squid and hoisin sauce.
* fasting today, training my mind for the coming eid mubarak (fasting season).
* keyword of the day : carnie wilson
**** updated 4:03pm ****
* Apparently I am AppleDOS 3.1 according to bbspot. Still a work in progress.. hmm quite true I think..
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
10 minutes record
Flat tyre yesterday.. had to rush to the office so I pumped in just enough air to get me to the office. Changed the tyres before I go back. 10 minutes! not a bad time ey? Hurt my back (probably muscle pain) while changing tyre. Must remember next time that it's not a race to beat personal time.
Munchkins was busy with her papers so she only managed to bake some fish for dinner. I stir fry some vege using as less oil I can. So for dinner I had small portion of rice, grilled cat fish and some stir-fried vege. I felt guilty so I spent half and hour on cardio and pump some iron before we go out to visit Ameenn in IIUM.
We're going back to kuantan on Friday. Can't wait to travel again.
* chic'n breasts again between 2 piece of Gardenia's new "Fit & Trim" bread. The bread cost 150% more than your normal white bread and 50% more than your wholemeal. I prefer wholemeal but I just want to see what's the new bread all about. Comment - OK tasting but still lack of fibre that I like about wholemeal bread.
* finally fixed blogger time stamp on posting issue.. well more of the issue of me not setting me timezone correctly. Hurrah for not reading the help / man pages.
Munchkins was busy with her papers so she only managed to bake some fish for dinner. I stir fry some vege using as less oil I can. So for dinner I had small portion of rice, grilled cat fish and some stir-fried vege. I felt guilty so I spent half and hour on cardio and pump some iron before we go out to visit Ameenn in IIUM.
We're going back to kuantan on Friday. Can't wait to travel again.
* chic'n breasts again between 2 piece of Gardenia's new "Fit & Trim" bread. The bread cost 150% more than your normal white bread and 50% more than your wholemeal. I prefer wholemeal but I just want to see what's the new bread all about. Comment - OK tasting but still lack of fibre that I like about wholemeal bread.
* finally fixed blogger time stamp on posting issue.. well more of the issue of me not setting me timezone correctly. Hurrah for not reading the help / man pages.
Monday, September 20, 2004
Eddie's Squid/ Calamari Salad
Squid/ Calamari baked, sliced to small strips
Some cabbage and Green & Red capsicum cut to small strips (salad/ coleslaw style)
Tomatoes diced
1 piece of wholemeal bread, toasted, diced to small 1cm bits
The toss sauce
Put some vinegar (1 -2 tblspoon) into a small bowl,
Balance the vinegar sourness with honey ( usually equal part of honey)
Crush red & green bird eyes chilies (normally used in thai/ malay cooking)
Mix the mixture of vinegar and honey with chilies give it a good stir
The Toss
Get a bowl and throw all the ingredient in.
Put in the toss sauce and toss well :)
Serve best freshly tossed or as sandwich stuffing :P
* had this for dinner, yummie
Squid/ Calamari baked, sliced to small strips
Some cabbage and Green & Red capsicum cut to small strips (salad/ coleslaw style)
Tomatoes diced
1 piece of wholemeal bread, toasted, diced to small 1cm bits
The toss sauce
Put some vinegar (1 -2 tblspoon) into a small bowl,
Balance the vinegar sourness with honey ( usually equal part of honey)
Crush red & green bird eyes chilies (normally used in thai/ malay cooking)
Mix the mixture of vinegar and honey with chilies give it a good stir
The Toss
Get a bowl and throw all the ingredient in.
Put in the toss sauce and toss well :)
Serve best freshly tossed or as sandwich stuffing :P
* had this for dinner, yummie
Sunday, September 19, 2004
manic monday, mostly
Sunday BBQ was great.. we had chicken, pot roast, and Zurbian (Yemeni rice dish). We really enjoyed ourself, watching tv and waiting for the chicken to cook. Munchkins said that the private BBQ was long overdued since we first moved in the house in June.
Wa sms'ed on sunday morning that he just got a BABY BOY! wow.. that's great! I told him that we will be visiting him and sand later that day but by the time we're ready to go, it was 7pm and we felt that it's too late to go visit anyway. I think I'll come visit on Monday lunch time.
Talk about babies, Munchkins told me that she had dream a couple of nights before about our little girl again. This was the second time she has dreamt of zoe.. God knows how much we want to have kids but I guess we'll have to wait until Munchkins done with her Masters.
Hmm.. I'm smiling ears to ears today, daydreaming about my little zoe...
* 5 small slice of baked chicken breasts between oven-toasted burger loaf with cabbage & tomatoes.. yummie..
Wa sms'ed on sunday morning that he just got a BABY BOY! wow.. that's great! I told him that we will be visiting him and sand later that day but by the time we're ready to go, it was 7pm and we felt that it's too late to go visit anyway. I think I'll come visit on Monday lunch time.
Talk about babies, Munchkins told me that she had dream a couple of nights before about our little girl again. This was the second time she has dreamt of zoe.. God knows how much we want to have kids but I guess we'll have to wait until Munchkins done with her Masters.
Hmm.. I'm smiling ears to ears today, daydreaming about my little zoe...
* 5 small slice of baked chicken breasts between oven-toasted burger loaf with cabbage & tomatoes.. yummie..
Thursday, September 16, 2004
lean meals
Last night I unpacked the oven from out of the box. I have been wanting to do so all week to bake my meals. Munchkins insisted that we do it on saturday but I just couldn't wait..
Baked my first meal.. lean chicken pieces with garlic and pepper.. yummiee... can't help myself to a small piece hot from the oven, and off to the fridge they go. This morning Munchkins nuked them for a few seconds and I sliced them up and put them in wholemeal/rye bread with some chopped cabbage..
One sandwich for breakfast and another one to bring to work.
I'm surfing the web for some lean low fat/ low carb meal recipes.. let me know if you have a link worth mentioning :)
**** update at 3:52pm ****
Had a piece of papaya, cold at the masjid for lunch.. sweet, refreshing.. best one I had in a long time..
Munchkins called earlier to tell me that she's going to Nilai with her dad. I asked her to bring some extra money inacse she found somethgin she like there. Hope she'll be back before 6 else I'm stuck here in the office.
We're planning to haev a private BBQ thingy just teh two of us this saturday before PGL (Puteri Gunung Ledang, the Movie) so I guess we're going to Tesco tonight for some chicken, etc. Sat is my free day, not so much because I wanna eat freely, but because me and munchkins needs it, to have a normal meal she/ we cooked together.
ET send her blog url via IM just now.. another daily must-read :)
Baked my first meal.. lean chicken pieces with garlic and pepper.. yummiee... can't help myself to a small piece hot from the oven, and off to the fridge they go. This morning Munchkins nuked them for a few seconds and I sliced them up and put them in wholemeal/rye bread with some chopped cabbage..
One sandwich for breakfast and another one to bring to work.
I'm surfing the web for some lean low fat/ low carb meal recipes.. let me know if you have a link worth mentioning :)
**** update at 3:52pm ****
Had a piece of papaya, cold at the masjid for lunch.. sweet, refreshing.. best one I had in a long time..
Munchkins called earlier to tell me that she's going to Nilai with her dad. I asked her to bring some extra money inacse she found somethgin she like there. Hope she'll be back before 6 else I'm stuck here in the office.
We're planning to haev a private BBQ thingy just teh two of us this saturday before PGL (Puteri Gunung Ledang, the Movie) so I guess we're going to Tesco tonight for some chicken, etc. Sat is my free day, not so much because I wanna eat freely, but because me and munchkins needs it, to have a normal meal she/ we cooked together.
ET send her blog url via IM just now.. another daily must-read :)
Tuesday, September 7, 2004
a picnic we will go
we're going on a picnic, yay!
too bad munchkins will have to miss it,
she's going to be busy with her projects, etc and the possibility
of a replacement class on sunday.
Farah and Abg Matt can't make it either, have their thing on sunday as well..
Alas, bunch of the gang will be there
and quite frankly I can't wait to be chef de' mission :)
too bad munchkins will have to miss it,
she's going to be busy with her projects, etc and the possibility
of a replacement class on sunday.
Farah and Abg Matt can't make it either, have their thing on sunday as well..
Alas, bunch of the gang will be there
and quite frankly I can't wait to be chef de' mission :)
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
so I blog again..
and this time no more freebsd server.
gave away the machine to my god-sisters as present.
archived previously hosted at
is safely tucked in a spare hardisk in my home computer.
No broadband at home right now, so no bandwidth to host the server anyway.
gave away the machine to my god-sisters as present.
archived previously hosted at
is safely tucked in a spare hardisk in my home computer.
No broadband at home right now, so no bandwidth to host the server anyway.
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