am very displeased with my self.
need a new motivation..
this morning I'm struggling to finish my 30 minutes cardio..
best part of this morning was eating soba noodles with seaweed and wasabi..
and my daily hug before going to work :)
wa's having a bad bad period of his life.
kesian dia, really.. I think I know what happened
but I'm goign to give him some room first..
lex bro... I'm all ears if u need somebody to talk to..
I hope I'll be better listener than last time in college...
* did I mentioned I'm crazy about soba now?
Kake soba - Hot soba noodles in dark broth, often topped solely with sliced green onions or sliced Japanese long onions.
Mori soba - Chilled soba noodles, eaten in summer. The noodles are boiled, chilled, and then served on a flat basket or plate. Accompanied by a chilled dipping sauce, usually a strong mixture of dashi, mirin, and shoyu. Eaten with wasabi.
Zaru soba - mori soba topped with shredded nori seaweed.
Kitsune soba - Hot soba in broth topped with abura age (deep-fried tofu).
Tempura soba - Hot soba in broth topped with various tempura items, especially shrimp.
Tanuki soba - Hot soba in broth topped with deep-fried tempura batter (ten-kasu).
Hiyashi tanuki - Cold tanuki soba. Eaten in the summer.
Tsukimi soba - Hot soba in broth with an egg. A raw egg is allowed to poach in the hot soup.
Tororo soba - Hot soba in broth topped with Japanese tororo potato.
Hiyashi tororo - Cold tororo soba. Eaten in the summer.
emmm... soba...
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