I just hope his passing is a smooth and one. Hope sis is able to take it calmly. I am usually the one that buries our family cats when they die but maybe not this time...
As ummi said, boboy will be our last family cat. She can't afford to lose another pet. Munchkins saw some kittens for adoption over at lelong.com.my (wierd place to advertise pet adoption even if it's for free..) she wanted one but I guess I'm not ready to have a pet cat. Hmm maybe I'll stick to potted plants for now.. my little herb garden still need some love and care.
*** added 11:50am
News Headline: Erra Fazira scandalous marriage before becoming an artist revealed !!
kidding.. I forgot how much my friend yan looks like the artist/ beauty queen erra fazira until I saw this photo... now who say you can't get the girls in magazines
off to TZ's farewell lunch at sunway's Cabel Car..
eddie, apa khabar? sihat? lama aku tak dengar berita daripada/tentang ko? err, one silly q tho'. from reading ko nyer entries, i got the impression yang ko dah kawin. confirm please .. aku ni selalu ketinggalan, maklumla kan reti bawak auto jaa, tak leh nak drop gear & speed away .. hahaha. Anyway, kim salam aku, Assalamualaikum, pada kawan2 semua kalau ko jumpa dorang. And, by the way, i am doing fine over here. cuma keje skolah je banyak. do email me! -- ghazsanusi@gmail.com