Tuesday, November 8, 2005

Selamat Hari Raya :)

Selamat hari raya from the both of us.

My first time raya with munchkins' family in kuala kurau. I missed my mom & siblings on raya day but raya at kuala kurau was not bad either.

Check out munchkins' blog entry for muchos muchos raya pictures.. and I have an exclusive raya video for all of you here.. the cutest little girl singing soon to be a new hit.


  1. heheh.. cool lah. i saw some pics on the munchkin's blog. Don't we all love festive seasons. nice pics as well. when is the time family would gather if it's not the festive season. i can't wait for christmas. :D

  2. selamat hari rayaaaaa ....
    aidilfitri muliaaaaa ....

    maaf zahir dan batin
