Monday, April 3, 2006

tag of the meme

pyan tagge dme... but it's munchkins yg sibuk dok suruh me to answer/do the tag.. or she calls it meme /.. so I said sure I'll do the memek kekkekeke I love you munchkins.. you comel comel little devil you.. so work hard okay, final semester and in few months we could be makign babies to our little hearts content!

ok here's my memek ops meme or tag as some people calls it.

Four (latest) jobs I've had:
1. Auto Show Ticket Booth Guy
2. Paging Call Center Guy
3. Abg Jaga CyberCafe Guy
4. Lotus Notes Developer Guy
5. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Guy... hehehe

Four movies I can watch over and over:
1. Hackers .. I know it's like porn, so fake.. but porn is good, so is hackers..
2. Xmen Series ... I'm just nuts about X universe..
3. Do Re Me Series .. need I say more?
4. Bujak Lapuk Series .. need I say more?

Four places I've lived:
1. Kelantan
2. Sarawak
3. Malacca
4. Klang Valley Area

Four TV shows I love:
1. Jamie Oliver shows
2. Keith Floyd shows
3. Merriles Parker shows
4. The First Matrix!!!!

Four places I've vacationed:
1. Gunung Jerai
2. Genting Highlands
3. Kuching & Santubong
4. Langkawi Island

Four of my favorite dishes:
1. Gulai (Kari)
2. Gulai (Kari) Semalam
3. Gulai (Kari) Kelmarin
4. Munchkins' Sambal Tempoyak Ikan Bilis

Four sites I visit daily:
1. slashdot
2. jeffooi
3. news sites
4. your blog, yes YOUR blogs...

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Kuantan
2. Santubong
3. Morocco
4. Makkatul Mukarramah

Four bloggers I am tagging
1. Munchkins...
2. Johnkar
3. Sadry
4. The Serangkais..


  1. hahah making babies? i bet a lot of makcik2s been asking when r u going to hv kids huh? hehe...

  2. makcik as in adik adie giee? hehehe
