oh well, enough of the daily battles at the office.. I came home to the most loveliest dish! Munchkins on soft food diet this week due to her braces tightening session on monday so she made RISOTTOOOOOOOO!!! phew some risotto she made!
OK very quickly.. Risotto means rice in italian.. well not that glamarous you say but trust me..this dish will make you lick that spoon clean! Here's how it looks like.. and I'll get to describing more in a while..

OK Risotto looks like bubur lambuk to you and me but imagine this.. bubur lambuk with the best cheese you have...
The main difference of risotto is how you cook it.. and my friends this is how my most adorable cute super talented cheft most wonderful wife and made her officially world best chicken risotto with LOADS of muchroomsss yes.. MUCHROOMSSS...
1. Saute garlic and ginger root in olive oil ( in hot pan of course..)Seriously, it's a whole new world of taste having rice with cheese.. go head give it a try...
2. Add in the chicken and let that work through... the stock from the chicken shoudl came out by now..
3. Add in the washed rice grains.. and stir the ingrediants in the pan , the rice grain should be well coated by the oil, keep on stirring for 2 -3 minutes.. munchkins made an interesting addition of adding some potatoes in addition with the rice being sauteed..
Some people seems to think it's against the law to have rice with potatoes but boy they couldn't be so wrong..
4. Now you're ready to add more liquid .. Warm chicken stock would do nicely.. Keep on adding warm chicken stock little by little as you're stirring the rice.. This is key in preparing good risotto.. seriously... oh yeah, You may also add your mushrooms now...
5. Once the rice is el dante, time to add in alittle potato starch to thicken up any liquid you still have..
6. Lastly in goes your best cheese.. parmesan would be best but munchkins knows that I love romano more, it's a little strong for some but it's definately my favourite cheese. Salt to taste and you're all done!
* Whats the difference you say? parmesan is made with cow's milk while romano is made with sheep's milk.
7. Serve hot with a spoonful of butter!
* Note that you may also add the cheese before you serve them if you are to serve them later..
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