I was forwarded an email today by a friend that seems to imply that the local Pau Manufacturer Pau Ahmad is actually produced by chinese and named after the Company's driver.. OH THE OUTRAGE!!! Especially because it's about the food that we eat, our halal and haram concerns..
You can do a search and see a lot of places on the net that this email/ article is posted by webmasters/ contributors. What's even more scary than the possible fact that Pau Ahmad (that I had on numerous occasions while on the road) could be non-halal is that how we, malay, muslim community would spread news without even consider validating the piece of news/ information first.
The article about Pau Ahmad looks like it was written by somebody who went with a Dato (which Dato'?) and an Ustaz Ridzuan (which Ustaz Ridzuan?) to the place where they produce the said food item and found that it is being being run by a chinese enterprenuer. The article claimed thet they found out that Ahmad of Pau Ahmad was actualy the driver of the taukeh.
Like most rumours, very sketchy details but as we see it gets forwarded and posted all over the internet by people who think they are doing the muslim community a service. Kinda like those people who keep forwarding you the damned danish caricatures of our Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him). Don't they even for one second think that what they doing could be wrong?
ok enough lecturing, on to my story... before I even consider forwarding the email out, I decided to ran a quick check on the net if this is at all true.. see what other people are saying about it. Sure enough I saw it's posted to a lot of local online muslim/ malay communities such as here and here..
One most important and effortless finding I found was an explaination by Jakim on the said issue. The link is here.. and below is the answer from Jakim for your reading.
assalamualaikum, untuk makluman, memang pau Ahmad bukan dikeluarkan oleh pengusaha Melayu, towkey kilang yang mengeluarkan pau tersebut memanglah Cina. Syarikat ini berdaftar sebagai P.A Food Sdn. Bhd, kilang ini beroperasi di Taman Teknologi Kajang, Syarikat ini telah mendapat pengesahan halal dari JAKIM dan pekerjanya di bahagian pengeluaran produk sebahagian besarnya adalah Muslim. Syarikat ini tidak sahaja mengeluarkan pau tetapi turut juga megeluarkan produk lain seperti roti paratha frozen, roti canai frozen, karipap frozen serta beberapa lagi makanan frozen yang lain. Memanglah terdapat kekeliruan disebabakan oleh Ahmad yang digunakan oleh syrikat ini tetapi berdasarkan maklumat yang telah diperolehi, JAKIM mendapati Ahmad itu bukanlah pemandu towkey kilang tersebut, JAKIM dimaklumkan bahawa Ahmad itu ialah salah seorang sahabat baik keluarga towkey tersebut sebelum dia mengkomersialkan produk pau keluarganya. Inilah serba sedikit maklumat yang boleh dijelaskan mengenai produk pau Ahmad ini, berdasarkan pemantauan dan pemeriksaan yang telah dilakukan oleh JAKIM, produk ini tidak menggunakan apa-apa bahan yang tidak halal dan sentiasa mematuhi syarat dan peraturan halal yang ditetapkan oleh JAKIM. nn
Please people.. validate your sources before forwarding/ posting / passing news anywhere.. Publish Responsibly..
Tak reti bahasa? mak bapak tak ajar jgn tolong sebar khabar angin/ fitnah?..
setoojoo..kalau tak nak validate, jgn sebar sbb dlm islam..
ReplyDeletebaik terlepas menghukum daripada tersalah hukum or kalau ikut zaman skang ni, "innocent until proven guilty".
kalau tak..jadi pitenah too..mcm anwar berahim kena pitenah..last2 kata dia x bersalah..so kenapa dia kena buang gomen?? hahaha..che det jawab , " saya yakin tindakan saya betul" (and tak diconsider as contempt of court..chaittzz)