Tuesday, April 25, 2006
kurus aa camnih! oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love you munchkins, weekend nih kita carik ikan besar besar and bakar for adik adik kat kuantan..
erm after watching this, suddenly I feel like having some mangoes.. beli kat pasar malam kang yeh mumu dear.. then mumu can jual mango to dudu like the girl in the video.. beh!
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
who do you trust more?

Apparently malaysians would trust a total stranger met on the street more than politicians. I tend to share the same sentiment. Kesian, coz now it's official that cakap politikus tak boleh pakai! :P
now if only malaysian understand that we need leaders, not politicians as ministers/ government officials... Stop voting for politicians, vote for leaders in the next poll yeah?
Saturday, April 15, 2006
There was once a boy
I am not sure why, maybe I was just naughty.. maybe because the brat in me knows that if a small kid punches a mascot, there is nothing the mascot could do about it.. heheh they can barely walk and see with all that heavy big goofy costume. Can you imagine Ronald trying to run with his big-toed shoes?
But time to grow up and

make peace with mascots all around the world.
I love you Chicky! I love you battered (as in coated in flour, not 'beaten') and deep fried and dipped hot sauce!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
2 pillars makes a pussy

Our latest monument to show how much a pussy we are that we could not build any structures within our own country without the consent of Singapore.
We calls it 2 pillars makes a pussy.
We are pussies, and Singapore is our daddy.
On a more prouder note, we've got so much money to burn from fuel taxes, we could waste money by cancelling a half completed project, pay 100 million ringgit as compensation to the construction company for not having to finish the project and finance a datin sri's personal glory expedition to the south/north poles.
We also have grown so much to see pass the broadband speed race to realize that dailup internet connection is the best way to curb p2p activities on the net.
Hah singapore, we laugh at your puny attempt to waste money like us. We laugh at your puniness utterly!
pipot.com is back
Today was the first time I'm handling our main server failover execise. Boss feels that he need me to take in bigger roles so asked me to spear head the failover activities while a collegue was put responsible for repair of the faulty server. We had plan this 3 weeks in advance.
After talking and sending out emails to the respective managers, we finally agreed on today's date last 2 weeks ago and I set out to prepare for the serevr switching. I produced documentations, steps for the failover exercise with help form my collegues and I was ready. 1 week to today's date I sent out a reminder of our activities to be carried out today. One of the manager responded. Their boss was also in the loop. And yesterday I set yet another reminder to them with the schedule and reminded them pass the message to effected line supervisors. I went back, excited of what I'll be doing the next day.
I got to the office today after cooking breakfast for my poor sick little mumu munchkins and first email I saw was from one of our technicians. Apparently nobody in the effected lines knows of this activities. Their bosses apprently does not think that it's important for their own people to know that we're shutting down their lines for a good one hour. None of the line supervisor and operators were briefed at all in their morning briefing.
So my migration exercise was delayed alittle bit because we had to get everyone together and brief them what to do. What suposed to be ready for me by 10 was only ready half hour later. I resent that the managers does not communicate to their own people of their decision to let us shutdown the line. I mean if you're not capable of doing that, then what good are you my friend?. We done quite a few of abotu the same exercise for my own organization with absolutely no problem. But I guess that's how you do it in your dis-organization.
But thanks to excellent teamwork within my team and good solid planning, we managed to perform the switchover with no problem at all. We learned that while our own oraganization runs like a well oiled machine, the other oragnization in the same plant have had their heads in their asses since they drop out of their mommy's uteri ( that's rite, thats the plural form of uterus!).
Boss was pleased and commended us for good teamwork. Line operators complained that the downtime was too short for them to go for early break and I don't even mind not getting any Thank-you email from the 2 bastard managers.
1 plant, 2 very different organizations. That's all I had to say.
ps. Marry an english teacher and you too can feel the quilt and peril of using bad grammar/ spelling. ...uteri or uteruses... or can I use both if there's 4 of them?
Sunday, April 9, 2006
OneUtama Best Shopping Complex??
Last time I went there we ended up going round and round and round trying to look for a parkin gspot and finally gave up after close to an hour. We were pleased to find The Curve and IKEA had ampel, well lit parking.. webeen goign to eitehr MidValley Megamall which is 10 minutes away from our place or The Curve/ IKEA and KLCC. Even KLCC had better parking than OneUTAMA..
But we all know better than to pay any attention to magazine with advertisement as its main source of revenue.. I bet with enough advertisign fund, even the old Odeon in Jln TAR could be awarded best shopping complex next year.
easter bunny rawks!!!
Friday, April 7, 2006
3 hours bus ride to school
seems that quite anumber of children are being sent across the causeway in the wee hours in the morning to schools in the Singapore. Some had to be up by 4am to wait for their school busses and the journey would take 3 hours. My walk to school was about 30 minutes which I loved back during my school days. The reason was said to be partly because the schools in singapore has less homeworks for their students.
My first reaction was shocked that the parent would justify 3 hours journey each way with school work load for their kids. Then on second round of reading it all makes clear sense... The parents are actually looking far ahead for their children by sending them to singaporean schools.
Why? because of our
Sad, more reason we lose good people to other countries everyday and even more reasons we have jobless graduates that unwillingly went to universities on free tickets.
** changed "fucked up" to outdated because the same system gave me a chance to be who I am now. And I am most thank you but I just wish that the same chance not be wasted on people who don't appreciate them,
Thursday, April 6, 2006
which one to believe?
Here's a summary of the same news reported with very different details on both papers.
The version from The Star
38 years old felda settler, entrusted 2 of his neighbours (brothers, age 33 and 32 respectively) to bring his 33 years old wife back after he developed severe headache on their motocycle ride home. They 2 brothers instead took a detour and the elder brother raped the wife while the younger brother keep a lookout.
The version from Harian Metro has more interesting facts..
A felda setler entrusted 2 of his friends (age 33 and 23) to bring his wife home because he was too drunk to drive their motocycle. The wife has requested the husband to stop due to he was too drunk to control his motorcycle. The 2 friends later took turn to rape the wife.
damnit! I can't help to think what else did our reporters report that's being pulled out of their asses.
our own fei fu kwan ying!
Notorious gang busted
KUALA LUMPUR: The reign of one of the most notorious gangs in the city ended yesterday when police arrested four gang members after a high-speed car chase through the city and an hourâs stand-off when they took two women hostage in a house in Jalan Ampang.
The crack Special Action Squad burst into the house and rescued the two women and arrested three of the gang members.
One of the suspects had earlier been detained after he was shot while trying to make a get-away.
City CID chief SAC (II) Datuk Karn Kam Peng said his officers who were on rounds spotted four men fitting the description of the wanted men along Jalan Tun Razak at about 3pm.
He said that when his men approached the suspects, they sped off, resulting in a car chase.
REIGN OVER: One of the four gang members being led away after a high-speed car chase. The gang, said to be responsible for a spate of armed robberies, was cornered at a used car dealerâs outlet in Jalan Ampang.An integrated police team comprising the Police Air Wing, Mobile Patrol Vehicles, Serious Crimes division, intelligence unit, and the dog unit swung into action and cornered the suspects at a used car outlet in Jalan Ampang.
The gang was believed to have committed several armed robberies at used car dealers, 4-digit outlets and shoplots all over the Klang Valley.
âThe suspects tried to speed off but were caught in a traffic jam in Jalan Damai off Jalan Ampang. Our men were kept informed of their movements by our Rakan Cop members,â he said.
âThe suspects drove their car into a used car outlet to hide.
âWhen our team arrived, they abandoned their car and fled on foot and even ignored a warning shot fired by a policeman.â
When one of them tried to scale a wall to escape, one of the policemen opened fire, hitting him in the leg.
The others fled into a nearby house. They held two of the women in the house hostage as the police team surrounded the place.
After about an hourâs stand-off, the crack team stromed the house and overpowered the three.
SAC Karn said police believe they were responsible for robbing a couple of cash and valuables worth more than RM200,000 two days ago.
In a follow-up operation, he said, police seized two cars and several watches believed to belong to the gang's victims.The cars will be sent to the forensic laboratory to ascertain if they were stolen
Monday, April 3, 2006
tag of the meme
ok here's my memek ops meme or tag as some people calls it.
Four (latest) jobs I've had:
1. Auto Show Ticket Booth Guy
2. Paging Call Center Guy
3. Abg Jaga CyberCafe Guy
4. Lotus Notes Developer Guy
5. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Guy... hehehe
Four movies I can watch over and over:
1. Hackers .. I know it's like porn, so fake.. but porn is good, so is hackers..
2. Xmen Series ... I'm just nuts about X universe..
3. Do Re Me Series .. need I say more?
4. Bujak Lapuk Series .. need I say more?
Four places I've lived:
1. Kelantan
2. Sarawak
3. Malacca
4. Klang Valley Area
Four TV shows I love:
1. Jamie Oliver shows
2. Keith Floyd shows
3. Merriles Parker shows
4. The First Matrix!!!!
Four places I've vacationed:
1. Gunung Jerai
2. Genting Highlands
3. Kuching & Santubong
4. Langkawi Island
Four of my favorite dishes:
1. Gulai (Kari)
2. Gulai (Kari) Semalam
3. Gulai (Kari) Kelmarin
4. Munchkins' Sambal Tempoyak Ikan Bilis
Four sites I visit daily:
1. slashdot
2. jeffooi
3. news sites
4. your blog, yes YOUR blogs...
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Kuantan
2. Santubong
3. Morocco
4. Makkatul Mukarramah
Four bloggers I am tagging
1. Munchkins...
2. Johnkar
3. Sadry
4. The Serangkais..
Saturday, April 1, 2006
gambar pokcik @ PPP Open Day 1997

Nie gambar pokcik Azhan masa openday Kolej PPP Sec 18, 1997...
Nama gerai: Ogres Mound
Best Dish : Catapult Chicken Wings