Sunday, May 8, 2005

weekend at home

happy mothers day ummi!.. we went to Nelayan titiwangsa for steamboat.. lil sis forgot to make reservation and we we told on saturday noon that theya re fully booked. But we decided to just go and try to get a tabel for all 7 +2 of us.. I reaced titiwangsa with munchkins and lil sis and husband.. ummi and along and wife and the kids are 20 minutes behind in anoterh car.. we went in at about 6:35pm and the staff were preparing the place for dinner spread.

I talked to a waiter and managed to securea table at a corner for us... it was right next to the buffet spread.. not bad table after all.. we were among the first customers that evening so me and lil sis's hubby hauled as much big prawns as we could to our table.. hehehe that night was all about big tiger prawns.. being early rocks... We had so much fun, the food was ok, munchkins said the spread at kelana seafood is better but it was ok too.

Next day we stayed in bed alot.. had chicken soup with soft tofu (yummie).. watched battle of the buldge on discovery.. while I fight my own battle of the buldge.. the medication took me in early.. I was asleep few minutes after them..

next week I'm going to the shooting range again ... can't wait..

I love you sooo much munchkins...

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