Monday, April 2, 2007

6 wierd thing huh...

konot tagged me few weeks ago but was and am alittle busy but hmmmm I'll try ok guys..

1. Most of the time I'd rather be alone. Wierd huh. Kekadang aku pk is it because aku nie kera sumbang ka.. atau aku nerdy geeky sgt sgt.. not capable of social interaction. I seldom goes out for lunch with opismates, selalu lepak kat cube sampai abis lunch hour or keluar sorang to takecare of errands. Gi bank, pejabat pos, etc..
Why? tatau, pelik gaks.. anti social eek?

2. I'm almost lactose intolerant. 80% of the time I get stomachache from the lactose in everyday dairy products. 20 % of the time pulak ok.. pelik gaks. I think it depends on whether perut is kosong or also the diff level oc lactose content in dairy products. Aku penah make emergency stop kat MINT hotel pasal case lactose intolerant nih.. hahahah oh and this is the reason I prefer Romano (goat cheese) to other cheeses. *added oh the wierd part is supposed to be that I absolutely love milk for a lactose intolerant guy.

3. I try almost everytime to check out chains emails taht I received if they are true. I hate people forwarding stuff without thinking/ checkign the facts. I also hate how some people would lie to create these kind of stuff. Lagi offended kalau benda nie pasal halal haram makanan, everyday products, etc.. ishk... buat malu org islam jer sebar fitnah camnie.. same goes to rumors on sms. I fully support kalau police nak arrest and prosecute smsm rumour mongers and people that forwards them. Bodoh!

4. I have extremely short attention span. My lovely wife can tell you how annoying it is when I forget to finish my sentences. I hope I remember to finish this post :P

5. I tend to talk too much for somebody who is generally quiet. Most of teh time I'd say the wrong thing and ending up hurting feelings. So I just prefer to be quiet.

6. NO matter which selimut you give me, I still want your selimut. That's what my wife say. So we constantly fight over who's hogging the cover. hehehe..

Erm should I pass this tag? hmm let me check if this tag is indeed valid and from credible source before forwarding it.

ps:- wierd thing no 7.. I'm so bad at spelling and grammar that I married an english teacher. I still blame teh keyboard for typing my words wrong!


  1. yeay yeay eddie dah buat! weirdo gak nko ni eh?

  2. nko patut ada nombor #7 : For 2 years in college I slept on the floor.

  3. heheh wierd part would be those were among the best sleep I had.
