Wednesday, December 22, 2004

daddy got new shoes!

shoe that will get me lots and lots of blowjob from cute japanese girls
oh yeahhhhh!!!! daddy got new shoes, you'd better be worried. Was going for a DC shoe but wa pointed out it's abit too 16-years-old la.. But I wanna be 16 again :p hehehe

oh yeah and creadit card company freaked out that I made out of the ordinary purchase and blocked my card. Bummer...I guess I have not been a good customer and recklessly spends like I'm supposed to... :P

* new fetish.. pregos chunky green pepper & mushrooms spaghetti sauce spread over toasted wholemeal bread... oh and must have SOBA TODAY!!!! *zombie walk*


  1. thatsssss right.. behold my new shoe and off of its glory...all yous punks out there better be worried coz daddy going to rub that sole all over your brown noses :P hehehehe

  2. sorry about teh language, been reading too much of alphademon -

  3. eddie..kasut baru ada tali2 eh :P

  4. ops.. looks like my secret blog is not so secret anymore.. welcome aboard ayu.. may I undo those shoes :P

  5. hehe, yup.. it's secret no more :P got it from ur prev site it has a link to ur blogger ;)

    anyway, happy bloggin!
