Wednesday, February 8, 2006

danish cartoons

a lot of heated discussion on the danish cartoons... it's very unfortunate that we have to have this kind of issues when much of the islamic world is stereotyped as terrorists, extremist and the most degrading.. islamist.. and unfortunately we muslims falls to this kind of traps very easily..

johnkar has this to say on the issue
and pyan wrote quite a bit here and here..
wawa burned a danish flag in his heart for fear of the "main bontot" activities if he goes to jail for flag burning.. :P
even ron who is in the US talked to me about it as well..

my take is that aku rasa dari zaman Rasulallah lagi orang dok buat camnie.. eg seingat aku , Rasulallah penah kena lontar dengan taik oleh si kafir quraisy...tapi takde lak Rasulallah ajak sahabat semua gi bakar rumah si kafir / kota makkah tu..Rasulallah sabar, doakan supaya diberi petunjuk pada si kafir tuh..

apa nak risau, balasan derang nie dah di guaranteed di akhirat..
jgn kita lak jadi bodoh, stoop down to their level,pergi bakar harta benda / bendera denmark..

ingat.. Rasulallah tak ajar kita buat macam tu..nabi suh kita hormati jiran jiran kita.. walaupun dia kafir..

ingat that our media pun sama gaks, just because we're so called negara islam, how many times has we radicule other religions? tgk cara kita buat kartun yahudi, bush, etc..sekali jadik kat kita, kita nak melatah? come on, what goes around comes around..

so protest, tell them that we are hurted and very angry.. write letters, call the embassy saying that we condems their media's actions, and the fact that their government is too proud to just say sorry.. boycott their businesses.. hit them where it hurts the most.. I think we can survive without their products and businesses, rite?

and if we hate the jews so much why are we still proudly wears Levi's and dockers?


  1. 1. kutuk bush tak pe..tu kutuk orang perseorangan. bukan kutuk religion. bukan kutuk pope jadik babi

    2. "ingat.. Rasulallah tak ajar kita buat macam tu..nabi suh kita hormati jiran jiran kita.. walaupun dia kafir.."
    true, but kafir ada dua, kafir harbi, kafir zimni. satu kafir yg tak buat hal, satu kafir yang buat hal. and ada dua cara berbeza nak handle dua golongan ni.

    3. Agree that bakar2 tu suma cuma sikap org melatah. degrading islam.

  2. aku baru belajar apa meaning 'melatah'

