Sunday, September 19, 2004

manic monday, mostly

Sunday BBQ was great.. we had chicken, pot roast, and Zurbian (Yemeni rice dish). We really enjoyed ourself, watching tv and waiting for the chicken to cook. Munchkins said that the private BBQ was long overdued since we first moved in the house in June.

Wa sms'ed on sunday morning that he just got a BABY BOY! wow.. that's great! I told him that we will be visiting him and sand later that day but by the time we're ready to go, it was 7pm and we felt that it's too late to go visit anyway. I think I'll come visit on Monday lunch time.

Talk about babies, Munchkins told me that she had dream a couple of nights before about our little girl again. This was the second time she has dreamt of zoe.. God knows how much we want to have kids but I guess we'll have to wait until Munchkins done with her Masters.

Hmm.. I'm smiling ears to ears today, daydreaming about my little zoe...

* 5 small slice of baked chicken breasts between oven-toasted burger loaf with cabbage & tomatoes.. yummie..

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